Subject: Animatable Starfields Author: Keith Lango / Zombie 3D Uploaded By: K Lango Date: 3/4/1997 File: starfield .sit (39192 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 664 Equipment: PowerMac 6100/66, Photoshop 3.0, Infini-D 2.6 Needs: Infini-D 2.6, QT player Here's a simple little scene file ( and QT moov.) that shows background starfields that allow camera movement. This isn't pasting a simple starfield PICT into the background, but a real live scene that has stars throughout the universe in all directions. So when you pan your camera, the stars move as in real life. (Well, as real as it gets.) A real easy way to put those logos into space and add camera movement. Also cool for spaceship renders and such. No, it's not the most original idea, but it's here, it's free and it's easier than doing it yourself. If you're lazy like me, that should be enough. :) Download and enjoy. Keith Lango Zombie 3D ---- checked by dc on 8.17.95 with disinfectant 3.6